With a new decade just about to happen, it seems like the right time to set down a few words that reflect our experience during the 2010s. It has been a busy, enlightening and inspiring time. During the period we have worked with, and sought to add value to very many organisations. Whilst operating across a wide range of market sectors and at varying stages in their journey, they shared a common goal - to enhance performance. Our response was to deliver tailored advice and support, founded upon our commitment to listen and understand their circumstances. Moreover, we sought to add value to our support by introducing tools that support the process of strategy design and implementation. Going forward we will continue to seek out the best in class thinking, methods and tools that enhance what we do.

One of the recurring challenges that we face is articulating the value of the services that we provide. Our support offerings are intangible, with evidence of impact often taking time to reveal itself. It is therefore gratifying when customers re-connect to share their positive news and acknowledge the contribution made by RML, often some time after an assignment has been completed. During the 2010s we have received a consistent stream of acknowledgements. Indeed, the past year has seen three of our customers exit their businesses, achieving lifelong ambitions to create value, grow and then realise significant benefits for their shareholders.

As well as supporting our customers to develop, we have continued to provide some space within which RML might grow. We have learned a great deal during the past decade. Of greatest importance is the significance of our commitment to our values. So whilst some things might change within the 2020s, we will remain true as we always have to our values. At RML we will never waiver from our commitment to Integrity. With that foundation, we are both excited and optimistic that the 2020s will be even more successful than the decade just about to end.