Russell McLeod

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Thought provoking…..that’s how I’d sum up the events of 2020. That might seem a like an understatement given the loss of life years, economic damage and unprecedented restrictions that we have experienced. However, one consequence of the volatility for many of us has been the opportunity to pause, reflect, challenge our role in the world and reset what we want from life. It has also provided the opportunity to reflect upon the world that surrounds us, with perhaps greatest attention being given to our natural environment and how the big decisions are made that impact on all of our lives. One thing that is clear is that change has become our norm and that the need for resilience and agility has never been greater to prepare for and tackle the challenges of “regression to the tail” in whatever form they take. A key question that we have been asking ourselves at RML is “what does this mean for strategy?

Our conclusion is that the need for strategic thinking has never been greater. Whilst commercial risk might seem more acute and timescales shortened, the disciplines of goal setting, assessment of strategic options and implications, planning, implementation and performance management remain relevant as we move forward.

2020 has evidenced where the absence of strategic thinking creates chaos. It is against this backdrop that we are ever more convinced about the significance of what we do. We very much look forward to 2021 and the contribution that we hope to make in aiding progressive organisations achieve their ambitions.